I have always struggled with wanting to make the world better, I cannot feed every hungry child, adopt every orphan, fix every broken system, make all debt go away, heal all diseases, or even make those I care about free from pain of a broken world.
It is very frustrating! I feel powerless. But then I remember the promises of God, he answers prayers. I know there is nothing I can do without God, My Lord answers prayers and all the glory goes to him.
This week (this will be a weekly post) I have some serious prayer requests from my family living in Maryland.
My heart has broken listening to my mom in tears as she deals with a broken system of Child Protective Services. In retirement my parents, known as Grams and Pops, wanted to give to the world in a way they know very well, taking care of children. So they became foster parents. They cared for babies born addicted to drugs at the beginning, but for the last 17 months they cared for a 5 year boy old diabetic boy whose parents neglectfully could not get this dangerous lifetime disease under control. We all grew to love him, he was a brother to Cupcake and Monkey while we lived with Grams and Pops last year. But in a series of dropped balls by the official people who should have been protecting him, he has gone back to his parents, who still are not ready to care for him. There are many layers to this, a lot of pain, anger, hurt, fear and disappointment in the system going around. There are many layers to the need of prayers. For the best for this boy, his health, his future, his life. For Grams and Pops as they mourn and worry, give them peace and comfort. For the broken CPS system, get right! Care for the children above all else, stop letting children fall through paperwork cracks and be put back in harms way.
I am beginning to see that CPS is not a broken system only in Maryland, it is broken in Texas as well, and probably everywhere. It cannot be easy to know when to remove a child from a the only home he has known, when to put him back, how to know the situation is better and it is all run by jaded adults who have seen more then their share of our broken world. But there must be a better way and that way is through prayer to the Lord. Trust in Him, for all things will be made right in Him. I life up all of our children, beaten, neglected, and abandoned, that soon they will have the lives they deserve.

The second serious situation coming out of Maryland is for Rodent, my 8 year old niece, amazing young lady of Christ. She is loving, generous, intelligent, caring, funny and is a blessing to everyone she meets. She also is my God daughter and someone who is so precious to my heart. Rodent has a
mitochondrial disorder, her body does not process her protein well and her muscles are underdeveloped. This effects every part of her life, from school where she struggles for every A, and works her butt off, to play where she cannot keep up with other kids her age because her muscles just cannot. Lets not forget that her heart is a muscle, and even though it is healthy right now, this disorder will most likely eventually change that. Her parents are amazing as well, taking initiative from the start getting her the help she needs in every way. But now there is a road block, one that is so stupid is almost makes me angry. Her specialized and expensive vitamin cocktail she takes three times a day has been cut from their insurance. Once last year she went one week without this cocktail, she got very sick, weak and could not attend school, now "they" expect her to go without it completely. The picture above is Rodent with her Daddy (my brother) at her honor roll awards ceremony!!! That is right HONOR ROLL!!! I can promise that she worked harder for this honor then anyone else who received it! Every one of us was over whelmed with pride and joy!
Her family has always been amazingly generous and blessed children of Christ. They give of themselves and always think of other first. My brother is a 4th grade teacher in a title one school (school in a low income area) where he choose to make the world better by making less and giving more. His wife is nothing less then my best friend. She blessed me by being my Matron of Honor at my wedding and being my first call when I feel the world crashing around me.
Lets Prayer to our awesome heavenly father to bless them all and give insight to the company refusing to pay for Rodent's needed medication. Pray for Rodent, her health and growth and a praise for the wonderful young lady she is growing into.
We have been praying for this insurance thing to be fixed all week. I brought the prayer to my PWOC group, just wanting to expand the area of prayer, they offered to help!!! Without a second passing they felt a call to action! That is God answering prayers!! Rodent and her family are looking at a $400 monthly medication for the rest of her life, but God is making himself known already!
If you have a prayer request you would like me and my prayer warriors (other readers of this blog) to pray for, leave a comment and you will be covered in prayer. The Lord will be there for you.