PMonkeys own personality and way of doing things has been coming out since he attached himself to a love of dinosaurs out of the blue at age 2. But now that he is nearly 7 we are starting to feel who he is and what kind of person he will grow into. I am proud and excited to see that man, even if I want to put it off for as long as possible.
Our first trip to the Lego store was a huge success!!! He has been vaguely enjoying them for a year but once he saw the possibilities in that store he was hooked
He is logical and needs to "why" his way through everything until the very last bit of understanding comes through.
He memorizes anything said or taught to him. He learns best when someone tells him directly, then the information never leaves him.
He is very friendly, talking to everyone and anyone about anything.
He is sweet and loves to cuddle, needing physical reassurance.
He is sensitive and does not handle the idea of being in trouble or of having some one upset with him well.
He prefers complicated stroy lines and Pokemon, and loves non fiction books.
He is curious and an excited learner.
I just love this little boy so much!
Uniquely Johnny made Lego men.