People, listen, he became man! For us! On this day he came into the world to change it! To rescue us all! WOW!!!! God entered the world as man! I just don't think I can get my point across as full as it is in my heart so I will move on.
With no further adue, 2014 Christmas pictures!!
Greatest gifts the Lord has ever blessed me with. I wonder how He determined I was worthy.
Cupcake's hair took about half an hour of curling and spraying and blow drying as she yelled at me, "Momma it hurts so much." Then the moment she realized she looked pretty and everyone around her started to tell her so, she was sold and determined herself to be "queen of the day." After the photographer told her to put her hands on her hips she walked around like that constantly. It was hard to get her to stop. Standing in the mirror in the bathroom with both hands on her hips shaking them around she chanted "hips hips hips."
Monkey boy lost his first tooth last month and excitedly shows everyone he meets, the new tooth is already starting to show up and we will all miss this glorious gap in his teeth. But lucky the other teeth around are starting to wiggle :) Now Monkey knows he is hansom, but he just does not care very much. What he does care about is being a good little Monkey. He jumps up there smiles and gets away. Always has taken great pictures!
Now this is the big thing! Never have I gotten a good Santa picture, essential of the mommy and child agreement. Cupcake does not like strangers, Monkey will talk to anyone and will do so for as long as no one drags him away. Cupcake has refused to sit with Santa for 3 years running, usually making me sit with her and ruining the picture. But this year as we walked around the mall, still fancy from our pictures, Santa was suddenly there with no line, since it is still mid November, and Monkey could not be held back! Earlier when we walked into the mall we had our budding reader read a sign, as he sounded out the words he got more and more excited.."Ssssaaaaannnnttttaaaa IS HERE! AHHHHHHHH"
Cupcake asked for "twim babies"
Monkey asked for "steel drums" Santa and Mommy had a short talk then Santa told Monkey gently he would probably be disappointed and should think of something else. :) Like a microscope!
But I am not done yet....
I present my other favorite blessings! I am an Aunt second in life and my brothers and their wives have been very generous to share there children with me on a daily basis! Letting me into daily and special occasions, making Halloween costumes, throwing birthday parties, and even holding babies during their first night with us! I could not be more lucky to have these 4 nieces and 1 nephew, unless there were more of them to love...wink wink :)
So sweet and perfect, just for one second.
We have
Super Why, Monkey, Rodent
Princess P, Cupcake, Silly Sweetie
and then
Baby Bee
Each nickname is not just to protect them and have fun here, but a very special bond between them and myself, with each name having special meaning for our relationship.
I swear they are more like siblings then a set of cousins! Isn't that just wonderful?
Here is a prayer from the deepest parts of my heart, the love of siblings to be shared among 7 cousins and more, for friendships so deep and true and joy that never ends being shared with each other.
Merry Christmas, and may the Lord bless you and yours at the Christmas and all year long.
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